Post and Panel Signs are a cost-effective way to direct customers and other visitors to the correct location at your place of business. Does your business have multiple entrances? If so, Post and Panel Signs help to reduce confusion and eliminate frustration. They have numerous configurations, but most commonly, they are custom panel signs constructed of aluminum, PVC, wood, or high-density urethane (HDU) on two posts inserted into the ground. Larger signs may have three or four posts, or may consist of multiple panels on shared posts, such as triangle Panel and Post Signs.
Peter Haslam, the Owner of Heartland Signs and Graphics in Mount Pleasant, has worked with several businesses in Racine, Wisconsin to design, obtain permits for, and install Post and Panel Signs. Peter: “Our team is highly collaborative in its approach with our customers. Some customers come to us with a very broad idea of what they want, while others are very particular, and know exactly what they want. We are ready to meet with the customer to find and work with them where they are.”
Heartland designs signs that are highly visible for their customers’ site relative to the distance of visitors from the road or parking lot. While many customers’ businesses can benefit from illuminated signs, often a non-illuminated Post and Panel sign will perform just as well. As a custom sign designer and manufacturer, Heartland pays careful attention to its customer needs to not only implement effective signage, but to do so cost effectively.
Post and Panel Signs can accommodate changing content. Not only are they used for wayfinding, but they can also be used for changing advertisements, or updated news and information for your visitors. Peter: “We have a customer that changes its messaging every two months. A digital display was not right for this customer from a cost standpoint. We were able to design an option for the customer with replaceable panels that aligned with the customer’s selling season. Problem solved!”
In addition to creative input and design, the team at Heartland navigates signage ordinances for its customers’ projects, with the goal of obtaining the permit expeditiously. Peter and his team will help design and create content for your sign, and choose a sign configuration, that will not only be highly visible,but will meet or exceed the safety requirements of your city or village’s ordinances.
As Fall progresses, Heartland has the edge as Peter and his team are urgently dedicated to getting its customers signs permitted and installed before Winter. Whether in Racine, Sturtevant, Mount Pleasant, or at any point along Interstate 94, Heartland Signs and Graphics is ready to meet your needs. Call Peter today at (262) 800-6009 pr visit Heartland Signs and Graphics at to get your project in before Winter!