Oak Creek, WI – Converting Business Card Logos to Custom Signs
Many small businesses have an old logo or graphic that they use for email signatures or on business cards. They love their logo, but a former employee made it and left the company, or a friend created it for free in Canva or another non-convertible platform. These old logos and graphics, for which there are no original files, become an important part of company branding, but oftentimes, the owner of the business can’t recreate them. Perhaps the time has come to expand the business’ marketing or to purchase a custom sign for the business.
How can a business owner recover this logo to utilize it in advertising and custom signage? Heartland Signs and Graphics is here to help. Peter Haslam, Heartland’s owner, has helped numerous small businesses overcome this issue: “We can recreate your company’s logo in a vector format at minimal cost. The recreated logo or graphic will be a vector image, which enables the customer’s logo to be infinitely expanded without losing any clarity. Our customers are pleasantly surprised to learn how reasonably priced our services are.” These logos can then be used for brochures, business cards, banners, stationery, or can be used for very large cabinet signs or pylon signs.
Particularly in service industries, branding is so important to helping retain customers. For example, plumbers, electricians and other trades professionals strive to provide excellent service to differentiate themselves from their competition. Branding, including logos on business cards, elicits an emotional connection for customers, which they associated with this service. As small businesses hand out business cards and send emails with their logos, their company’s brand is reinforced in the minds of customers. It is important to maintain and reinforce this connection in order to continue building customer goodwill and maintain and improve customer retention. Heartland Signs and Graphics will help you preserve this branding for your business.
Although Heartland Signs and Graphics specializes in signs, its customers are not obligated to purchase signage with their graphic, but are happy to help when the customer is ready. Their team of experienced graphic designers can make recommendations, free of charge, to improve your logo or to make it more suitable for signage. Not only will you have a vector image that can be used for any marketing purpose. Heartland can place this logo on cabinet signs, channel letters, dimensional lettering, vinyl signs, banners, wayfinding signage, and numerous other configurations.
Peter: “Often times, recreating or revamping a business’ logo is the first step in an increased in investment in marketing. Heartland can take a company’s new logo and produce and install custom signage for this logo. We look forward to helping support and consult with customers as they look for ways to make their business more visible to their customers. Migrating an old logo from a business card to a custom sign is an important step.” Visit us at heartland-sign.com or call Peter at (262) 800-6009 to learn more.